Dec 22, 2022

America is a country that has a love for dogs. The common saying, “dog is a man’s best friend,” is supported by the fact that there are roughly 83 million dogs in the United States, living in around 56 million households. While dogs can be great companions, some also pose a risk.

Dog bites are far more common than most people realize. Dog bites frequently result in premises liability cases involving neglectful property owners who failed to take proper precautions to maintain a safe environment for visitors. Attorney Shane Kadlec knows the potential dangers of dog bites, as proven by dog bite statistics, and has helped many of his Houston, TX clients fight for compensation for damages stemming from these injuries.

Dog Bites by the Numbers

When you look at the statistics regarding dog bites in the United States, it is difficult to deny that dog bites are a real problem. What is even more alarming is that current statistics show that the number of dog bites and the severity of dog bite injuries have seen a dramatic increase in the past few decades. The number of deaths caused by dog bites is also on the rise.

Below are some of the startling statistics related to dog bites in the United States:

  • 4.7 million dog bite incidents occur in the United States each year
  • Around 750,000 dog bite injuries each year require medical care, with close to 315,000 of those injuries resulting in visits to the emergency room
  • Approximately 28,000 dog bite victims require reconstructive surgery
  • Over 16,000 dog bites annually are work-related, with postal workers getting the worst of it, at around 6,000 dog bites a year
  • In 2008, the average cost of inpatient treatment for dog bite victims was $18,200
  • The average number of human fatalities caused by dog bites is currently 35
  • It is estimated that the combined monetary losses of dog bite victims in the United States each year amounts to over $1 billion
  • Over 50 percent of dog bites occur on the dog owner’s property

Seeking Compensation

Statistics make it clear that dog bites are not only a common problem in the United States, but also a costly one. Dog bite victims can find themselves with thousands of dollars in medical expenses. And this doesn’t even take into account the potential financial losses related to time away from work for medical treatment, nor the emotional and physical pain and suffering that a dog bite can cause.

When you consider all of the losses that can stem from a dog bite, it is easy to see why so many dog bite victims choose to take legal action. In many cases, a dog bite falls under the terms of a premises liability lawsuit. In cases such as these, the dog owner can be held liable for failing to properly restrain their dog or failing to provide adequate warning about a dog with a history of biting or nipping. Any time that a serious dog bite occurs, it is a good idea to seek legal advice to learn the full extent of your rights to financial compensation.

Contact Us

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a dog bite injury, attorney Shane R. Kadlec wants to hear from you. Contact us at your earliest convenience to discuss the details of your injury and find out if you have a premises liability case.