Dec 27, 2022

While Texas rarely has winter weather to match the northern American states, rain, snow, and ice in the Lone Star State can still cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles and cause serious car and truck accidents. Careful driving can prevent many of these accidents, which means that when a serious car accident does occur because of bad weather, the thoughtless actions of another driver are often to blame. As winter weather approaches Texas this year, remember that if you experience a serious car accident, you have options. Contact a personal injury attorney to learn more. 

How Does Winter Weather Contribute to Car Crashes? 

Just last year, a massive 133-car pileup in Texas happened after an unexpected ice storm caused road conditions to rapidly deteriorate. Six people died in the accident and many more were injured when cars and trucks slammed together at high speeds. 

Although Texas rarely sees snow, its lack of winter weather means many drivers are unprepared to drive safely when it does happen. Often, the most serious winter weather in Texas appears as ice or heavy flooding on the road. These conditions can contribute to car crashes in many ways, including: 

  • Making it more difficult for cars and trucks to stop 
  • Making it more likely that cars will swerve into adjacent lanes or oncoming traffic 
  • Making it more difficult to see other cars, pedestrians, or objects in the road, especially at night
  • Causing oil on the road to make the road surface unexpectedly slippery, especially after the first time it rains in a while

Winter weather conditions actually make fatal accidents less likely than good weather because drivers are often moving more slowly. However, drivers and passengers can still be seriously harmed and even killed. Common injuries sustained in winter weather accidents include: 

  • Crush injuries 
  • Broken bones
  • Internal bleeding 
  • Concussions
  • Whiplash 
  • Back and spinal cord injuries

Property damage is also a common problem in winter weather when cars slide or hydroplane off the road onto private property. Whether the damages after an accident are fatal loss of life, serious injuries, or destructive property damage, having an experienced personal injury attorney to help you negotiate with or litigate against insurance companies can make all the difference in whether you obtain compensation commensurate with your suffering. 

Call a Harris County Personal Injury Attorney

The consequences of careless driving during winter months can be fatal. If you or someone you love has been hurt or killed by a reckless driver, you can take action with the help of a Houston, TX car crash attorney. Call the offices of Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec today to learn more about how our experienced, assertive team can put our commitment to client service and outstanding results to work for you. Call 281-643-2000 today. 
