Dec 22, 2022

Rollover accidents refer to incidents in which a vehicle turns over onto its side. These kinds of car accidents can result in catastrophic and even fatal injuries. If you have survived a rollover accident or have lost a loved on in a tragic crash, the Houston, TX Law Office Of Shane R. Kadlec can help.

We’d like to take a moment to consider some of the basics involving rollover collisions. This will give you and idea of their dangers and why seeking legal help is crucial following a crash.

Rollover Accident Statistics

According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 23,973 vehicle occupants died in auto accidents in 2016. Of that figure, 7,488 vehicle occupants were killed in rollover crashes.

It’s important to note that during a rollover accident, the vehicle can turn over on to its roof. This can lead to the collapse or crushing of the vehicle’s roof, causing catastrophic injuries to those within the vehicle.

Rollover Accidents and Vehicle Type

Rollover accidents are more common with SUVs than any other type of automobile. Examining fatal accident statistics on vehicle type and the kind collision they were involved in, 47 percent of fatalities in SUVs involve rollover crashes; with pickup trucks, rollovers were cited in 43 percent of fatalities, and for passenger cars, that number was much lower at 22 percent.

Reducing the Occurrence of Rollover Accidents

Automakers have been aware of rollover risks and the dangers of these collisions for the last two decades. Over time, changes have been made to improve vehicle design, making rollover crashes less likely. Automakers have carefully measured their vehicles’ static stability factor (SSF), and have begun installing electronic stability control (ESC) systems to prevent skidding that can contribute to rollovers.

Thanks to these innovations, the rollover fatality rate has declined over the last two decades. There have been industry-wide changes to address issues with skidding as well as stabilizing high centers of gravity in vehicles. For perspective, the rollover fatality rate was 27 driver deaths per million in the year 2000; in 2016, the number has been reduced to just 5 driver deaths per million.

Rollovers on Due to Traffic Collisions

When a vehicle is on the road, rollover may happen when the vehicle hits a curb, travels at high speed, skids, or when the wheel is suddenly tweaked. Poor road conditions and bad weather can also contribute to rollovers. In addition, vehicles turning off a steep embankment or hill, especially at an angle, run a high risk of rolling over.

Rollovers Due to Vehicle Design

Sometimes the inherent design of a motor vehicle makes it more prone to rolling over. A narrow wheel track and a high center of gravity are a dangerous combination. As noted above, SUVs are the highest risk vehicles. Other at-risk vehicles include full-sized vans, large commercial trucks, and certain pickup trucks.

Who Is Liable for a Rollover Accident?

Liability in a rollover accident can vary depending on how the accident occurred. Sometimes reckless motorists strike other vehicles on the road, resulting in a rollover. Other times an automaker needs to be held liable for problems with vehicle design or faulty safety systems.

Whatever the case may be, our law firm can help you and your loved ones seek compensation against the negligent party.

Contact an Experienced Auto Accident Lawyer

For more information about you legal options after a serious motor vehicle accident, be sure to contact an experienced auto accident lawyer. We at the Law Office Of Shane R. Kadlec are here for you. You can reach our law firm by phone at (281) 643-2000.