Dec 27, 2022

From 18-wheelers down to small cargo vans, trucks keep our economy running. Given the increased weight of these vehicles, it is important that the cargo is both properly secured and distributed in the trailer, flatbed, or cargo area of the vehicle and that the vehicle is not overloaded. There are various ways that improperly secured or distributed cargo or an overweight truck can lead to an accident, putting drivers of other vehicles at risk and potentially causing serious injuries and even fatalities. Truck accidents can have many causes and it is possible for multiple parties to be found liable when injuries occur. It is essential to work with a lawyer who is experienced in truck accident cases.

Potential Risks from Improperly Loaded Trucks

If items are not properly balanced within a truck or are not secured to prevent shifting during travel, it could cause the truck to become unbalanced. This impacts the truck driver’s ability to maintain control, especially on a highway or at high speeds. This could lead to a rollover crash, a collision with other vehicles, or could cause the truck to jackknife.

Overloaded trucks or trucks that are top heavy impact the driver’s ability to properly slow down or stop in traffic. It can also impact the maneuverability of the truck and the ability to properly navigate turns.

Unsecured cargo could also fall off a truck and spill onto the roadway. This cargo could directly hit other vehicles or cause other vehicles to swerve and cause accidents. Any of these accidents could directly lead to injuries to drivers and passengers in other cars as well as pedestrians or others near the roadway.

Multi-vehicle collisions and pileups are common when the driver of a large, heavy truck loses control. Parties that may be held responsible for accidents caused by cargo include:

  • The company or warehouse that loaded the cargo onto the truck
  • The driver or trucking company who failed to ensure the cargo was properly secured
  • The manufacturer of the straps, chains, or other tools used to secure the cargo if these items broke or failed

Contact a Houston Truck Accident Injury Attorney

If you have been injured in a truck accident, whether caused by shifting loads, unsecured cargo, or any other factors, contact Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec. Our Harris County personal injury lawyers can help you fight for compensation for your medical bills and other damages. Finding the liable party or parties in a truck accident can be difficult, but we have the experience necessary to pursue your case. For a free consultation, call 281-643-2000.
