Dec 22, 2022

Because of the sheer size and weight of semi-trailer trucks or big rigs, trucking accidents can impact dozens of other vehicles and lead to fatalities and serious injuries. Although there are many factors that may lead to a trucking accident, one common but preventable cause is improperly loaded cargo.

Victims of truck accidents caused by improperly loaded cargo may be entitled to compensation for their injuries and are encouraged to speak with a truck accident attorney. Attorney Shane R. Kadlec is experienced in truck accidents involving improperly loaded cargo. If you have been injured in a truck accident, contact the Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec in Houston, TX to learn more about your legal rights.

Improperly Loaded Cargo Is Dangerous

It’s important for trucks carrying cargo to properly load their goods. Improperly loaded cargo can throw off a truck’s balance and increase the risk of accidents. In addition to the dangers of uneven weight distribution, improperly loaded cargo can create other hazards, like spilling onto the road or hitting other vehicles and causing injuries.

The type of cargo being carried can increase the dangers of an improperly loaded truck. Carrying flammable cargo, chemicals, or other hazardous material can lead to even more serious injuries to those involved in an accident.

Types of Accidents Caused by Improperly Loaded Cargo

When a truck is improperly loaded with an uneven weight distribution, it can make it more difficult for the driver to control his or her truck, increasing the risk of rollover accidents and jackknifing. Sometimes, trucks may be loaded evenly but carry too much cargo. Overloaded trucks are more difficult to stop due to the increased weight, which can make it impossible for a driver to stop safely in order to avoid an accident.

Improperly loaded cargo can lead to many different types of accidents. Some of the most common types of these accidents include:

  • Jackknife accidents
  • Rear-end collisions
  • Rollover accidents
  • Sideswipe accidents
  • Accidents caused by spilled cargo or debris on the road

Determining Liability

It can be difficult to determine liability in a trucking accident due to the number of people that are often involved. Additionally, due to the commercial nature of trucks, there may be several parties that need to be investigated to determine liability, such as the party responsible for loading the truck, the corporate entity that owns the truck, the truck driver, or any other party that may have been a source of the accident. An experienced truck accident attorney can facilitate the investigation of an accident to determine liability and ensure a positive outcome for the client.

Contact the Law Offices of Shane R. Kadlec

Because determining liability in a truck accident caused by improperly loaded cargo can be a challenge, it is important to contact an experienced truck accident attorney to protect your rights. Our experienced truck accident attorney can help clients get the maximum settlement for their injuries and help hold the responsible party liable for negligence. Contact the Law Offices of Shane R. Kadlec to discuss your legal options.