Dec 22, 2022

WHAT STEPS CAN YOU TAKE AFTER A TRAIN ACCIDENT?The statistics are shocking: almost every 115 minutes a person or vehicle is hit by a train. Every 90 minutes a train collides with another train or object or is derailed. And there are 5,800 vehicle train crashes in the United States each year, resulting in 1,000 deaths. Train accidents can occur as a result of track defects, equipment defects or signal defects or because of human errors. In each of these instances, a third party can be held liable.When a train accident occurs, victims can sustain serious injuries. If a railroad manager, engineer, supervisor or other employee was liable for the accident, you can file a personal injury claim. The question you can ask yourself, to determine if another person was liable, is “could somebody have prevented the defective equipment, property or tracks and thus prevented the accident from occurring.Common causes of train accidents include collisions with other trains, collisions with cars, collisions with pedestrians, derailments, on-board accidents and mechanical failure. Anything from excessive speed to poor track maintenance to driver fatigue or intoxication can cause an accident. If you were involved in a train crash, what should you do? You should first preserve any evidence that you can. Secondly, if your vehicle was involved in a train crash, you should contact your insurance company.Getting a Houston personal injury attorney on your side is imperative, an Injury Attorney can help you identify what parties could be held liable, help you locate witnesses, help you examine train wreck evidence, help you hire an accident reconstructionist and other experts such as train operators, mechanics and designers, and help you negotiate with insurance companies.

Getting a Houston personal injury attorney on your side is imperative, they can help you identify what parties could be held liable and help you negotiate with insurance companies. Call The Law Offices of Shane R. Kadlec today for a FREE Case Review.