Dec 22, 2022

The Texas native’s first brush with stardom was in 1973’s cult classic, “Rocky Horror Picture Show,” but it wasn’t until the release of the “Bat Out of Hell” album four years later that Michael Lee Aday – better known as Meat Loaf – became a real star on his own. While his career has had its share of ups and downs, none of the low points rival the fall he took in May of last year in Texas.

The singer broke his collarbone in a fall from a stage at a Hyatt hotel in Dallas. He recently filed a premises liability lawsuit against the hospitality company. Aday named both Hyatt and the company that sponsored the convention at which he was to perform in his lawsuit.

According to Aday, the Hyatt’s stage had dark curtains hanging at the edge of the back of the stage. The curtains created an illusion that the stage is larger than it is in reality. So when the 72-year-old singer walked up to the curtains at the end of a Q-and-A session, he fell off of the stage and was badly injured.

He sustained injuries to his neck collarbone and shoulder in the fall.

Aday was hospitalized for more than a month and is now unable to resume his singing career, the lawsuit states. He is still receiving medical care and physical therapy for the injuries.

He and his attorney argue in court documents that Hyatt and the convention host failed to put hazard warnings near or on the stage for the safety of those who used the platform.

Aday also contends the defendants failed to do a risk assessment that would have identified potential hazards; failed to put a safety barrier in place; hid the dangerous edge of a raised stage with a curtain; and failed to take any safety precautions at all.

We don’t know if Aday will be able to resume his career, but we do know that those who have been injured on business property because of the owner’s negligence can pursue full compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, mental anguish and pain and suffering. Contact the Houston Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec to discuss your legal options.