
Rose Medina

Rose Medina

Senior Paralegal / Office Manager

Rose is our Senior Paralegal at the Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec. She joined the firm over a decade ago, in July of 2006. Since then she has devoted her time and talents to our clients and their families. Her personable style and attention to detail has been a key factor in the success of this firm. Rose’s duties include assisting with case management, drafting legal documents, and managing day to day operations of the firm. Her primary goal is to effectively provide clients with the attention and commitment that they expect and deserve.

Rose is a loving, dedicated wife and mother of three. In her free time, she loves spending time with her family, traveling, and watching her kids play soccer.

Tram Tran

Tram Tran

Paralegal / Case Manager

Tram is one of our dedicated case managers at the Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec. She began managing personal injury cases in May of 2015, where she has developed a true understanding for the pain and difficulty each client is facing when they come to us. She treats our clients like family, working tirelessly to provide the support they need. Tram is committed to maintaining the trust that each client places in the hands of our firm and ensures they have the best experience possible. She has dedicated herself to the service of others and goes above and beyond for our clients.

Outside of work, Tram is a talented stand-up bass player and singer. She also loves outdoor activities, traveling, playing video and board games, and taking pictures of her beloved dogs. Her biggest passion though is eating! She’s a food connoisseur and is most happy when she’s eating!

Margaux Flournoy

Margaux Flournoy

Director of First Impressions and Marketing

Samuel Trevino

Samuel Trevino

Intake Case Manager

Samuel Trevino is the firm’s intake case manager. He began his career handling personal injury and medical malpractice cases more than six years ago. This experience coupled with his calm demeanor and personable approach are key components to learning and understanding each aspect of our clients’ injuries on the front end and ensuring those that have been wrongfully injured have their lives restored.

When Samuel is not working, he enjoys being a dad, spending time with family, and watching baseball!

Daisy Rodriguez

Daisy Rodriguez

Senior Case Manager

Aida Guevara

Aida Guevara

Assistant Case Manager

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

Work with an attorney with a proven record of success. To begin crafting your personal injury case, contact our Houston office online or call us at Free Consultation 281-962-8949.

We offer free personal injury consultations, and most cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. Under this fee structure, you would not owe us attorney fees unless we recovered compensation on your behalf.