Apr 29, 2024

If you sustain an injury in Houston, TX due to someone else’s negligence, the steps you take immediately after the incident are key. Whether your injury is a result of an auto accident, a dog bite, a sidewalk defect, a faulty product, or a workplace incident, the process is the same. From seeking medical attention to hiring a personal injury lawyer, we’ll guide you through the steps that will maximize your chances of achieving a favorable outcome.

1. Seek Medical Attention

Your welfare is the main priority, even if you don’t consider your injuries to be severe. You may not realize you have whiplash or concussion immediately after an accident, but a medical professional will. Seeking medical attention ensures any unseen or delayed injuries are diagnosed and the proper treatment is prescribed.

Prompt action also means there will be documentation of your injuries, which will serve as evidence in your claim. Any delay in seeking medical attention could give the opposition reasons to dispute the severity of your injury or to claim the damage was sustained after the accident and therefore wasn’t due to their actions.

2. Preserve Evidence

Preserving evidence is vital to building a personal injury case in Texas. Take photographs of your visible injuries, any property damage, and the accident scene from different angles. In the case of a road accident, make note of the weather and the condition of the road. Also, try to collect the names and contact details of any witnesses who saw the accident and can corroborate your version of events.

3. Report the Incident

Reporting the incident to the relevant authorities creates an official record and ensures any necessary investigation is carried out. If an accident occurs in the workplace, notify your employer, a supervisor, or HR. If you were involved in a car accident, contact the local police department and make an accident report.

4. Gather Evidence of Financial Loss

Evidence of the financial impact of an injury helps determine the compensation you deserve. Keep bills and prescription receipts relating to your medical treatment. Gather estimates for fixing property damage and keep payslips showing the wages and income lost due to your inability to work.

5. Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Houston, TX

The process for filing and winning a personal injury claim is complex and can be overwhelming when navigating the legal system alone. Hiring the services of a Board-Certified Injury Attorney in Texas eases the burden. An attorney will guide you through the process and draw on their knowledge of local, state, and federal laws to investigate the incident, compile evidence, and deal with the paperwork. They’ll handle negotiations with insurance companies and maximize your chances of filing a successful claim.

We understand the emotional, physical, and financial pressures an injury can have on people’s lives. If you or a loved one has suffered an injury as a result of someone else’s actions, you need to act quickly to report the incident, gather evidence, and hire a personal injury attorney. Contact the Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec in Houston, TX today and let us help you put together a case to get the compensation you’re entitled to.