Burn Injuries

Houston, TX Burn Injury Lawyers

Helping Victims of Fires, Explosions, and Electrical Accidents in Harris County

Burn injuries are not only incredibly painful, but they also can impact the victim's daily routine and quality of life. Every year, about 486,000 individuals are treated for burn injuries, a large portion of whom require long-term medical care. As a result, burn injury victims often face significant medical expenses and time away from work during recovery. Burn injury lawyer Shane R. Kadlec in Houston, Texas has dedicated his 20-year career to helping victims secure due compensation for injuries. He works on a contingency basis, so you can focus your energy on recovering while he pursues legal action. To learn how Mr. Kadlec can help, contact our firm today and review your case in more detail.

Types of Burns

The severity of a burn can range from mild to permanently disfiguring. Most often, burn injury cases deal with first, second, and third-degree burns, as more severe burns may be fatal.

  • What is a First-degree burn: First-degree burns affect the top layer of skin and result in redness, swelling, and peeling. Most often, first-degree burns heal in three to six days, after the affected skin cells shed.
  • What is a Second-degree burn: Second-degree burns extend beyond the top layer of skin to deeper layers of the dermis, causing redness, soreness and open blisters. They can take three weeks or more to fully recover.
  • What is a Third-degree burn: Third-degree burns affect all layers of skin and extend to the tissue beneath. They can cause severe pain and require hospitalization at a burn unit or intensive care unit (ICU). If treated immediately, these burns may not require a skin graft or amputation. However, in some cases, third-degree burns can leave victims permanently scarred.

These types of injuries can impact all aspects of your life, especially if they require ongoing medical care, rehabilitation, and home modifications.

Causes of Burn Injuries

There are many scenarios which can result in a burn injury, including but not limited to:

  • Contact with fire or flames
  • Contact with steam or hot liquids
  • Inhalation of chemicals
  • Explosions
  • Vehicle accidents

Depending upon the cause, you may suffer a thermal, electrical, or chemical burn.

What Workplace Accidents Cause the Most Burn Injuries?

Certain types of workplace accidents are more likely to result in burn injuries than others. In Houston, the experienced burn accident attorneys at The Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec often see burn injuries resulting from:

  • Chemical Spills: Accidental exposure to industrial acids and bases can cause severe chemical burns.
  • Electrical Accidents: Electrical shocks or arcs can cause both direct burn injuries and secondary fires.
  • Explosions: Workplaces that handle volatile substances or operate under high-pressure conditions are prone to explosions that can cause catastrophic burns.
  • Fires: Inadequate safety measures, faulty wiring, or overheating equipment are common causes of fires that lead to serious burns.
  • What Industries Are The Most Dangerous for Burn Injuries?

    Burn injuries are more prevalent in certain industries due to the nature of the work and the materials handled. In Texas, the burn victim lawyer team at The Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec notes that the following industries report higher incidents of burns:

  • Oil and Gas: Given the prevalence of flammable materials, workers are at a high risk of burns from fires and explosions.
  • Construction: Exposure to electrical sources, hot machinery, and hazardous chemicals contributes to burn risks.
  • Manufacturing: The use of heavy machinery and chemicals can lead to severe thermal and chemical burns.
  • Food Service: Kitchen workers frequently suffer burns from hot cooking equipment and boiling liquids.
  • What Forms of Negligence Cause Innocent People to Suffer Burn Injuries?

    Negligence that leads to burn injuries can take many forms, and identifying the responsible parties is crucial for a successful legal claim. The Houston burn injury attorneys at The Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec typically encounter negligence in the form of:

  • Lack of Proper Safety Measures: Failing to provide adequate fire safety equipment and training.
  • Poor Maintenance: Neglecting the maintenance of electrical systems and machinery that could prevent fire hazards.
  • Inadequate Emergency Response Plans: Not having or failing to execute emergency procedures during a fire or explosion.
  • Improper Handling or Storage of Flammable Materials: Careless management of combustible materials that could easily ignite under certain conditions.
  • Long-Term Effects of Burns

    Suffering from a burn injury can have profound and enduring consequences on both physical health and overall quality of life. As a leading Houston burn injury lawyer, The Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec is deeply familiar with these challenges and committed to supporting burn victims through their recovery and legal journey. Here are some of the long-term effects associated with burn injuries:

  • Physical Scarring and Disfigurement: Burns can leave extensive scarring, requiring surgeries and potentially causing lifelong disfigurement.
  • Emotional and Psychological Trauma: The mental impact of surviving a burn accident, including PTSD, anxiety, and depression, can be as debilitating as the physical injuries.
  • Chronic Pain and Sensitivity: Burn areas may remain excessively sensitive to touch or temperature changes, causing ongoing discomfort.
  • Limited Mobility: Severe burns might result in tightened skin, muscles, and tendons, which can severely restrict movement and lead to physical disability.
  • Compromised Immune System: Extensive burns can compromise the body’s ability to fight infections, making victims more susceptible to illnesses.

  • When building your case, our Boared Certified Texas Personal Injury Attorneys can evaluate the extent to which your life has altered to ensure you receive maximum compensation for your injuries.

    What Compensation is Available to Burn Victims in Texas?

    Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec can pursue compensatory damages to cover both economic and noneconomic expenses. The severity of the injury, the intent of the defendant, and their ability to pay will affect the total amount of damages you may receive. In addition, we must take into account where and how the accident took place and the extent of the physical and emotional pain you have endured.

    If the defendant acted in gross negligence, we can also pursue punitive damages, which will be added to the compensatory damages you receive. Often, medical costs associated with burn injuries are incredibly high, costing tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Though reparations cannot reverse the course of an accident, they can help to relieve the financial burden.

    Speak With a Houston Burn Injury Lawyer for FREE

    After representing burn injury survivors for over two decades, Attorney Shane Kadlec knows how to maximize damages awarded in a personal injury lawsuit. He offers personalized and compassionate care to each one of his clients. To learn how Mr. Kadlec can assist you, contact us online or call 281-962-8949 for a free consultation. We serve clients in Harris County, Fort Bend County, Galveston County, and throughout the greater Houston area.

    What You Can Expect when Working with Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec

    Click here to read our new client brochure and discover how working with The Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec can support you through your burn injury claim in Harris County, providing you with the dedicated legal representation you deserve.

    Contact Us For A Free Consultation

    Work with an attorney with a proven record of success. To begin crafting your personal injury case, contact our Houston office online or call us at Free Consultation 281-962-8949.

    We offer free personal injury consultations, and most cases are handled on a contingency fee basis. Under this fee structure, you would not owe us attorney fees unless we recovered compensation on your behalf.