Dec 22, 2022

When you think about where gunshots occur, you may not picture your community, workplace or your home. But one photographer’s campaign shows that shootings can happen any place in our community. When others fail to practice proper gun safety, they place your life and the lives of your loved ones in danger.

New York photographer Kathy Shorr traveled around the country, taking pictures of gunshot survivors. By photographing them in the locations of the shootings, she tried to show how close to home shootings can be, and the devastating consequences.

Gunshots can happen to anyone, anywhere

Shorr traveled to 45 different cities across the United States to take pictures of surviving gunshot victims. She photographed the survivors at the locations of the shootings. By showing where they happened, she attempted to capture the emotional scars the events left behind.

The photos also show how the shootings physically affected the victims. Some are in wheelchairs while others are missing limbs or teeth. And many have permanent scars left by bullets and surgeries.

The locations also show how shootings can take place anywhere. Many pictures show local streets and parks. Some are in front of schools. And some shootings even happened at the victims’ homes.

Gun safety can help prevent accidental gunshots

As the photos show, a gunshot can change your life forever. But many shootings are preventable accidents.

If you have a gun in your house, know what you can do to prevent accidental shootings. Make sure that the gun remains locked up, secured and unloaded when not in use. When you handle the gun, never point it at another person.

If you have children, teach them guns are not toys, and when they are older, to practice proper gun safety. Early training can ensure that your children don’t underestimate the power and danger of the weapon.

Without proper safety, you or a loved one can find yourself the victim of an accidental gunshot. Sadly, children face the highest risk of suffering this kind of life-changing injury.

The Law Office of Shane R. Kadlec has helped the victims of accidental gun shot injuries, and Shane is an advocate for gun safety and reforms to make our lives safer. Most victims do not even realize that they have rights, and that the law affords them a remedy after such tragedies. We proudly continue to represent people who are victims of preventable gunshot injuries, and will gladly speak with people to explain their legal rights and obtain compensation for clients who have suffered injuries and losses.